How to have the Best Experience
Before the session, I will have you make a list of questions you would like answered. A typical amount of questions is 5 – 12, but is highly variable. There will also be a pre-session interview where we discuss you, your issues, your questions and your intentions for the session. And don't worry if you can't think of that many questions! I will have plenty to insert based on our interview and your intentions for the session. Sessions will be recorded for future listening and further integration of guidance, healing and “downloads”. You will often be given “homework” from your team! After the session, we will have a post-session interview where we discuss findings and how much you remember. Sometimes memory of a hypnosis session is fleeting, like our dreams, so the recording is a nice way to keep all the information for future use!
Intention is key
Show up with the intention to heal. Be ready to release anything that no longer serves you.
A well-thought intention directs energy with fantastic results. It is the key to any kind of energy-work.
Stay comfy
On the d-day, dress comfortably. Feel good in your own clothes and avoid makeup/heavy jewelry.
It is simply a matter of feeling comfortable and safe in this realm for self-exploration.
When the feeling is well anchored and the body is relaxed, the gates of the subconscious open easily.
Keep in mind that it is like playing a child game. With a pure & innocent heart, all doors are unlocked.
Cultivate claim and grounded
Drink lots of water and bring water to the session
Bring pen and paper
Avoid drinking alcohol/taking recreational drugs 24 hours prior to your session.
On the d-day, slow down on tea/coffee too and anything that fastens your heart rate.
And you are going to have a good adventure!